Hey Guys,
I thought I would give you a little random post as although I post 2-3 times a week, you don't really know me! So I thought 'hey, why not tell them 15 things about me' so here goes;
- As much as I like summer, I’m a winter baby through and through
- Completely obsessed with anything and everything Disney
- I would never chose to have a hot drink, as I can’t drink them hot and I’m far to inpatient to wait for it to cool down!
- Thanks to my computer geek of a boyfriend, I’ve turned into quite the gamer myself when I’m at home. while I’m at uni it’s a big fat no because no work would ever get done
- I have a unhealthy obsession with pasta and would pick it to eat in every meal if I could
- I can’t walk out the door without a lipstick in reach
- I have both series of Call The Midwife on DVD and will watch them weekly, sad I know
- I only ever have one foundation at one time and it’s the only makeup item I’m not very adventurous with
- I’ve had my cat since I was 9 but he will not bother with me unless David is about, I’ve always said my cat is gay; is this possible?!
- I grew up as a tomboy; with my hair scraped back!!
- I LOVE pjs; I think I have more sets of pjs than I do any other type of clothing
- I have very crazy, thick wavy hair which is clearly a curse from a past life
- I bruise like a peach. I only need to be poked and I have a bruise there for days
- Iv hated anything to do knees ever since I dislocated my knee back in 2010
- I can’t go to get an injection on my own; even though I have given other people them I have a phobia of them going into me
Hope you find some of them interesting
Sarah x
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