Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Dove Refresh+Care Dry Shampoo


About a year ago I would never use a dry shampoo...EVER and now I cant be without it! 

I used to be one of those girls that would wash their hair every night without fail because the conditioner I used made my hair all smooth for the next day which I loved...but was washing away natural oils etc and drying it out! 

When stretching your washes you tend to go a little greasy so this is where they beauty comes in handy! 

For the past 10 months I have been using Batiste which I was getting on with and it did the job. I came across this Dove Refresh+Care Dry Shampoo when I was in Boots looking for something new to try, so picked it up to give it a whirl! 

I would personally say this was better than Batiste as it is not chalky, which I find Batiste can be and it just smells fresh!! I'm not really interested in all the funky smells that can be put into a dry shampoo, I just want one that smells like i have just washed my hair! 

This dry shampoo ticked all boxes after my boyfriend complimented me on how my hair smelt!! 

Sarah x


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