Saturday, 5 October 2013

Where have I been?


Well even though it's probably only been a week or so, it feels weird to be able to write this! 

Normally I'm on my blogger account whenever I'm on my PC and will write a blog when I have a free 5 minutes or so. 

Since my last blog, my life has been up in the air, so to speak! If you remember my previous post of uni accommodation, you will know i had previous trouble! I found somewhere new and was told I'd be moved in within the following week; well that's not happened and 2 weeks on I'm still not moved in! 

I don't go to uni near home and unable to travel from home to uni, as it's near impossible to make it on time as I don't drive! This has meant the company has put me up and the rest of my flat mates up in a hotel...not cool!! 

Until yesterday, I didn't know when I'd be moved in so have been very very stressed and worried as this year I have a lot of work to do and the hotel only has free wifi for 30 minutes which I normally use to get my fix YouTube and bloglovin!! 

Along with that I've felt very unsettled and unable to do things I really want to do with my time so haven't been happy, especially with the fact iv been unable to blog! 

To say I'm relieved that move in is next weekend is an understatement!! I'm spending today getting ready for another few days in the hotel but I'm going to schedule some posts for the week so I can get myself back into my blog routine; as it's been neglected!! 

Thank you for the new followers on bloglovin while iv been away, cheered me up immensely!! 

Sarah x


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